Archie M.


When Archie first moved to Portland after growing up in sunny San Diego, it was definitely a change. It was one of many, according to them. After dedicating years to styling and grooming pets, working here at Brooklyn Yard was a seamless next step for Archie as they have always been passionate about helping pets look and feel their best. Archie has always had a passion for animals, starting as a kid when they went vegetarian just a week before Thanksgiving and became an advocate for animal rights. They have always wanted to work with animals, despite pursuing a degree in Urban Studies for Design and Management. There is something about being alongside animals that just clicks with them. 

Archie and their partner have two lovely rescue pups, Cowboy and Moonee, a ball python, Daikon, and a corn snake, Dot, but they can’t wait to add more to their little family. Outside of work or hanging out with their pets, some of Archie’s favorite things to do include watching films, checking out local antique shops, trying coffee spots around town, and pretending to understand houseplants.